good for the ears
If I link to good blog posts, then why not on good podcasts that come between my ears? This should therefore develop in a kind of series ...
This week, I may as well start with three tips:
is the always excellent Futures in Biotech podcast interviews in the current Episode 37 [ MP3 Link ] Marty Chalfie, one of three this year's Nobel Prize for Chemistry. This episode is about his work on the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and the study of the molecular basis of touch. In the next episode then, the development of GFP as a tool to be addressed, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.
StarShipSofa is the audio version of Science Fiction magazines like Asimov's or Astounding. Besides various sections of fiction, such as poems and short stories, there are also non-fiction sections. As a result, Aural Delights 57 [ MP3 Link ] JJ Campanella is a very good overview of genetically engineered crops - informative but exciting, with no hype and panic, but very balanced. At about 55:30 on the part begins.
BBC Radio 4 In Our Time is with my opinion the best history podcast. This is perhaps because that is not picked in the history book as a date or event, and is then listed what happened. Rather, each episode is taken in one aspect or idea of philosophy, science or other areas, and considered in the development over time. Currently, there is the occasion of Darwin in 2009 only in Podcast Feed a four-part documentary on the life of Charles Darwin - great! Online are already three parts [Part 1 MP3 Links , Part 2, Part 3 ].
If you have heard something good, step right up and the recommendations!
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