Unexpected Evolutionpress release from the Information Service Science
Sonja of Brethorst, Press and Public Relations
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Higher animals do not come from the lower animals from
scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (Veterinary Medicine), the Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics at the American Museum of Natural History and Yale University will present the latest edition of the online journal PLoS Biology surprising results of evolutionary research. The publication is available from Tuesday, 27 January 2009, http://biology.plosjournals.org be viewed on the web.
The German-American working group challenged with their research, the current view of the progress of evolution of animals. So far it was taken for granted that the evolution of animals from simple to complex animal strain was. The new research shows, however, that the lower animals have developed in parallel with the higher animals. Among the lower animals such as corals and jellyfish are counted, the higher animals include all known groups of the worm to man.
Did not I just say? In a few sentences, both the old story with the scala naturae , and an interesting classification of animals into two groups - higher and lower. Here at least the border at a known location is taken, with the higher animals are the Bilateria meant. But why then do not say Bilateria?
In the comments to my last post on here I have quoted from papers that draw the line between higher and lower animals somewhere else, such as in vertebrates. The whole thing makes sense in any event no.
And now I shall finish with stealing from T. Ryan Gregory of Genomicron , who has the paper also excitedly
"It is absurd to talk of one animal being higher than another" (Charles Darwin, 1837)
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