Dawanda - a shop system in an existing market place.
Comparable symbolically with a shopping mail.
streams of visitors are attracted to the one parent by the advertisement of the other Dawanda by Advertising Initiative ( example ) of individual shops.
Dawanda focuses on unique, handmade - away from mass market to the "special design" for items unique feature.
Individual design as Artshirt4you is asked
Today with more than 50 000 shops and over 100,000 products Dawanda is number 1 in Germany and among the 5 largest marketplace for sellers' handmade and unique design worldwide.
Just recently, hence the Dawanda team moved to a bigger office in Berlin and grew its team based on further.
Dawanda was founded in 2006 and is on the Internet - to success "on the basis of a clear niche focus. Shops offer in market places and to grow together with the variety of product / vendor unique ( Shop example).
Fees are aktzeptabel "Dawanda" charged 0.30 cent listing fee for each product to the sale or until the expiry in 4 months, when, for example, 20 products are the only 6 € ....( example )
But you get this standardized shop for free and overall advertising is included.
is sold, then drops out the product on offer and a sales commission rate of 5% is payable. Of course, the product can then "set".
Our exclusive design provider ( artSHIRT ordering agency ) get these costs Ihreren own commission credited.
Nevertheless, this is cheap and a symbol of the Internet with a comparable rent in a shopping mall. As in the shop in a shopping mall, the success depends on how many visitors, the platform offers. Of course, we also stopped advertising themselves as to want to twitter or facebook for visitors to bring in this marketplace. This benefits the shops each other.
The shops are simple ( example) ... With a few simple steps, the shop set up and can be designed, developed and maintained.
The great example that the marketplace has been the model is www.etsy.com the shops with his English world leader in the design unique market and already has 1 million registered users is. Dawanda is expanding more on the way to start and now also in France and England. ( dawanda facebook community )
There are already emulators such as the current in the base version without the listing fees acting "vondir.de" Network (eg Shop ) ... In Switzerland it is now www.guzuu.com
All in all, it shows the clear trend where does the shop industry, away from the individual single shop with expensive self-promotion to the shop in special market place with the pull of an advertising community - just like in the great plains shopping malls. Posted in Market
marketplace for unique, design, and handmade
marketplace for unique, design, and handmade
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